Moved to Vero yet?
Look for me as “Peter Pauer” on Vero
New: Vero has launched a desktop app with limited capability, so you can now maintain your id stream from a real computer not just the mobile apps!
What is Vero?
Vero is an image sharing social media service similar to Instagram with some MAJOR usage differences!
Vero has (image, video, music, text, several others) post type capability and you can select which you want to see for the people you follow, and you can restrict who can see your post to your connections or followers.
The differences
there are NO AD’s to flood your timelines.
and it has a NO algorithm linear timeline, so you see what people are doing as they post the content.
Rapidly growing
Right now it is experiencing explosive growth. Over the last few days Vero has become adopted by photographers and other creatives who are flocking in droves to set up accounts on the service.
Photographers and creatives who are completely fed up with the crazy things and algorithm scrambled timelines happening over on Instagram.
It’s user base streaked past the 1 million mark to well over 3 million in just the last few days. And its continuing to rapidly grow. This unexpected explosive growth has causing service interruptions as the servers it is on could not handle the new rapid load growth.
Subscription model, a good thing!
Originally the first million users to signup were to have free lifetime access, after which new users would need to pay a small yearly access fee.
However the unintended service interruptions are good news for new people wanting to setup accounts. As they have caused Vero to extended the lifetime free signup access to new users until they get all issues resolved from the high growth rates.
A side benefit of becoming a paid access service might be no or few bots!
After all who is going to want to pay to create automated spam bot accounts?
The App and futures
The app “Vero – True Social” has jumped to #1 in downloads on google store and itume’s. (Currently it is only accessible from a mobile phone platform.)
Will it be successful and knock the ad clogged, scrambled timeline, berzerk rules on who see what post Instagram out?
Only time can tell!
But if Instagram does not wise up and clean up its growing stupidity Vero has a good chance at taking over.
Is it for you? Can’t say. But I grabbed my slot while the getting was good (free) and will see what develops on this new platform.
For more information their website is at https://www.vero.co/