Adobe shoots self in foot!

Adobe gives another reason to leave.

Well not quite but it really made my decision to exit their ecosystem final. In the last round of auto-updates I got a nice message that many adobe products I had are no longer compatible with my equipment. To keep using their products I needed to upgrade(buy) all new computes. Big Nope, not doing it because they want to add even more AI features to their products.

Here is the nice screen I got when the Adobe Creative Cloud update process started.

Adobe update screen showing their products no longer compatible with old hardware.
Screen shot showing products no longer compatible with hardware

ON1 keeps on rolling.

My current pick (even their newest 2025preview) seems to work just fine.

Finally happened, actively looking to switch from Adobe

Adobes latest change to their TOS (Term Of Service) which I and many others find not very acceptable was the kick needed to finally start actively looking to migrate to alternate platforms. So the switch from Adobe has begun in earnest.

Butter Tart Friday

I had already switched from Adobe Premier to Black Magics Davinci Resolve as a video editor. And now have purchased On1 Photo RAW as a very promising good candidate to replace my long standing association with Adobes Photoshop and Lightroom. I have been using photoshop for decades from way back when I started on version 2 in 1991/1992.

While there are many photo editors out there both free and paid, not many have a robust integrated library management system. So one of the hardest part was deciding on something that might work as a replacement DAM (digital asset management) solution for my tens of thousands of images most stored in adobes dng format, that have accumulated over my 1/2 century (Yikes) of poking around in the business of photography.

I’ll try to post updates as I find time to work on the migration to a new platform, when I am in country, Couple of biggish trips to far off destinations are in the works at the moment where I won’t have access to my main servers.

if you are also interested here is the link to On1 Photo Raw, they do have a 30 day trial!